Sunday, July 5, 2009

summer is so fleeting

we've been horribly neglecting our dear blog here as school ended and summer began. the weather's been glorious and that's drawn us outside, away from the computer, which is no doubt a good thing. but, i thought i'd share a few pictures of sabin's summertime activities from the last few weeks.

we burned a witch

we had breakfast at school on the last day
in sabin's new classroom.
the parents are going to get together and paint it white this summer
that orange color on the walls is awful!

we spent time at a nearby beach

we had our final riding lesson of the season

we played on another beach with sabin's cousins
nicolai and christian
and she stayed with them for the weekend.

in all. we are thoroughly enjoying summer.

we'll do some fun stuff around home in the next couple of weeks including:
  • sommerland sjælland (a do-it-yourself kind of amusement park)
  • lejre (a middle ages park you can visit)
  • maybe a trip down møn's klint (my favorite place in denmark)
we'll also have a long weekend in berlin or somewhere like that together with sabin's big sister mathilde, hopefully taking the train down.

and then at the end of july, we'll go to singapore for ten days. i'll be working, but sabin and her dad will hang out by the pool and eat sushi and generally enjoy themselves.

our school holiday is only about six weeks long, so we have to try to make the most of it! summer is just way too short!

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